Sad Situation Today Regarding Abhiseka

My master’s master said the following words.
Ajari must at the very least be able to give abhiseka.”
Without discussing it, if we do not know how to perform abhiseka, the ritual in which the most important teachings are given, we will not be able to pass those teachings on to the next generation.
Today, everyone is called Ajari if they receive the abhiseka for the dharma transmission or 伝法灌頂, but there are probably not even one in ten Ajari who can give abhiseka. I don’t think it is too much to say that the sad situation is that Ajari today only has the qualification, practically not Ajari.
In addition, the abhiseka for a karmic connection, 結縁灌頂 (Kechienkanjo) is a truly shameful situation. The oral tradition has been misinterpreted and so-called commercialism has led everybody to have a karmic connection with “Mahavairocana Tathagata”. Some monks say it is doctrinally correct, but it must be said that it is also doctrinally wrong. I have received many Dharma linages, entered the storage rooms of my teachers’ temples and some headquarters, and read ancient texts, and it is clear that the abhiseka for a karmic connection as practiced today is clearly wrong.
In the record of the abhiseka for a karmic connection that Kobo-Daishi first performed in Japan, which is now a Japanese national treasure, does it say “大日如来” beside every person’s name?
Our generation is gradually correcting the current way of performing the abhiseka for a karmic connection, as we believe that this situation is not right.
I have translated the mudras and mantras of all the bodhisattvas, buddhas, and devas in the two mandalas in the manuscript of the abhiseka for a karmic connection from the Edo period.
In the abhiseka for a karmic connection that took place 150 years ago, the monks correctly gave people the mudra and shingon of the buddha or bodhisattva in the place of the flowers people threw.
Above all, it is tragic that the abhiseka for a karmic connection has become a ritual to give people a piece of paper with “大日如来” printed on it. Furthermore, it is absolutely impossible for several people to throw flowers into the mandala at once. From a doctrinal point of view, it is definitely wrong.
There is a long way to go, but I would like to work hard to lay the groundwork for Ajari that can perform the abhiseka for a karmic connection.

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